Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tip of the Day: Brown is better than white - Rice, that is.

In these parts of the world, rice is the staple food of choice. There are many types of rice, each with its own unique uses - white, fragrant, basmathi, herbal ponni, red rice are all different and produce different dishes.

But did you know that processed rice (which turns it into white rice) destroys the majority of nutrients it contains? You're only eating starch that are fattening by eating white rice. Try eating brown (or red) rice, because they are the least processed and therefore have many more nutrients than plain white rice.

There's a web site that will scare the hell out of us rice-eaters - HERE. After reading this, I can only imagine how much nutrients my body have missed out simply by eating something bereft of nutrition. By eating white rice, you lose out on:
1. Manganese
2. Selenium
3. Magnesium
4. Phosphorous
5. Iron
6. Vitamins B1, B3, B6

One more thing, there's also a para at the bottom of the page describing the dangers of keeping cooked rice for too long in the fridge for later consumption. Apparently, apart from all the bacteria it can collect, there's also a fungi that can produce toxins when coming into contact with the fatty acids in the rice.

Hope this'll help change our dietary habits. Try Brown Rice!


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