Tip of the Day: Cats, anybody?
So far I've been blogging about us humans......now here's something for anybody who love cats and have cats as their pets.
Tip 1: Steamed is always better than fried. My friend who owns a pair of cats says when she feeds them fried fish, they tend to shed more hair on a daily basis. Switching to fried fish, she noticed that their fur has been softer and that there's been less shedding of hair - meaning less furballs everywhere.
Tip 2: Use Panadol if you run out of antiseptics. Cats will be cats, and it's common for them to have wounds when being out. If the wound isn't a big flesh wound (in which case you need to hurry to the vet), take half a Panadol, pound into powder and smear it over the wound (after washing it). The wound will dry and heal faster.
Tip 3: Bathe your cat. That's your - the owner's - responsibility, not the cat's. Ticks, fleas and lice can attack at any time. It's true that cats groom themselves, but they don't bathe. And if you don't want to be scratched like a manicure log, best be gentle. Use lukewarm water, cat shampoo (human soap can harm cat fur, y'know), and most important of all, use the kitchen sink if you can. That way, you don't have to bend over and then get scratched to bits.
OK, three's enough. I'm no cat expert, and these I've gathered from friend and family members who do have cats.
Later. Ciao.
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